The monsters of Monsters - a company profile
We love games. We open windows to new, mysterious worlds and interesting characters.
Monsters was founded in May 2012 amidst our enthusiastic cheers. Ever since that legendary and slightly loud day we took some solid decisions. Always floss. Strive to create memorable experiences that will grasp the imagination and hearts of gamers all around the globe. And only create games that we'd love to play.
We currently focus on medium scale games with narrative structure. We pick our games during the Prototyping Days (or as we call it, The Challenge), during which everyone puts ideas on a board. We then hold a popularity contest and turn some of them into rough prototypes. The next step is too scientific to describe (Astrology is a science, okay?) but we end up with one game to move forward.
Still reading our profile? That was unexpected. Didn't really account for a third paragraph. You are either a person of amicable taste in company profiles or you simply have too much time available. If it is the latter:
a day in the office
from a personal perspective
Although we start at 10.00 I usually like to go in an hour earlier to get a head start.. I usually boot up our project management software, check my to-do lists and also browse the internets for news and stuff that happened while I was asleep.
People slowly flock in and at 11.00am the mighty bell rings and we hold our daily stand-up. We discuss the work we have done and what we are working on, to keep everybody in sync.
At around 2.00pm we have our lunch break. I microwave my food or prepare a snack from the treats provided in the office. We usually watch game documentaries, walkthroughs or the occasional Honest Trailer. Cat videos are pretty much banned.
Once fed, I pick up the pace and it’s not long before me or someone else gets up and moves a stick-it task to the completed column, returning victorious and applauded. What a feeling! Getting the game one step closer to release is awesome.
People start leaving at around 7.30pm although many keep on creating stuff on account of immensely enjoying what they are doing. There are times I am really sad I have to leave... making games is hard but it is also so freaking enjoyable.
Do you feel you are a great fit for our studio? Are you driven and in love with game development? Why don’t you apply to work here?